Governing By Accusation: The Committee's Assault on the State Department Inspector General

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118 pages
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Additional, Minority, Dissenting Views
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Brief Executive Summary
The Committee on Oversight and Government Reform investigation on General Howard Krongard, is under intense scrutiny due to the scale this investigation was brought to. While conducting their investigation, it was discovered that all information was invaluable to the committee, as all previous statements from the seven members were either revoked or did not have evidence to confirm the statement. Further investigation showed that this issue may have arisen due to the General not abiding to the partisan political agenda of the majority in Congress. This investigation emphasized faults in the committee, and recomened alterations to their future operations when investigating.
Press Releases and Contextual Information
Related Hearings
Authors–Congress Members
Authors–Staff Members
Authors–Ex Officio Members
Authors–Additional, Minority, Dissenting Views