Investigation of the White House Travel Office Firings and Related Matters
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987 pages
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Found Using Methodology
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Brief Executive Summary
The House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight investigated "travelgate," a political scandal involving the firing of 7 travel office employees by the Clinton administration. While the firings were originally attributed to "gross mismanagement" and criminal activity, the investigation found that the termination was instead motivated by political cronyism as the President wanted to reward long-time friend, Harry Thomason. The committee recommended a number of reforms to remedy the systems that were abused through this incident, including: reform review standards of Special Government Employees, creation of financial and internal review controls for the Executive Office of the President, amendment of the Presidential Records Act and Federal Records Act to give courts jurisdiction to ensure government documents are not mismanaged or destroyed, and prohibition of procuring goods and services through procurement operations by the Office of the Counsel of the President.
Press Releases and Contextual Information
Related Hearings
House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, hearing on "White House Travel Office--Day One," 104th Cong., (1995, October 24)
House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, hearing on "White House Travel Office--Day Two," 104th Cong., (1996, January 17)
House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, hearing on "White House Travel Office--Day Three," 104th Cong., (1996, January 24)
House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, hearing on "White House Travel Office--Day Two," 104th Cong., (1996, January 17)
House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, hearing on "White House Travel Office--Day Three," 104th Cong., (1996, January 24)