Janet Reno's Stewardship of the Justice Department: A Failure to Serve the Ends of Justice
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2208 pages
Policy Agendas Project Major Code
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Additional, Minority, Dissenting Views
Minority views
Report Type
Found Using Methodology
Idependent Author(s)
Brief Executive Summary
The House Committee on Government Reform investigated then-Attorney General Janet Reno's role in the 1996 election campaign scandal. The Committee discovered that Reno had a conflict of interest in the Department of Justice investigation and showed indifference to an appearance of impropriety by retaining control of the investigation and ignoring orders to appoint an independent counsel. Moreover, the report indicates that the committee's investigation was obstructed by the DOJ's failure to provide guidance regarding subjects of the investigation that would hamper ongoing criminal investigations. Reno's failure to conduct a thorough investigation promoted an appearance of favoritism and verified the preferential treatment by the DOJ.
Press Releases and Contextual Information
Related Hearings
House Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Administrative Law and Governmental Relations, hearing on "Independent Counsel Reauthorization Act," 106th Cong., (1999, March 3)
Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, hearing on "The Future of the Independent Counsel Act," 106th Cong., S.Hrg. 106-131, (1999, February 24, March 3, 17, 24, and April 14)
Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Administrative Oversight and the Courts, hearing on "1996 Campaign Finance Investigations," 106th Cong., S.Hrg. 106-1059, (2000, May 24, June 6 and 21)
House Committee on Government Reform, hearing on "The Justice Department\342\200\231s Implementation of the Independent Counsel Act," 106th Cong., H.Hrg. 106-231, (2000, June 6)
Senate Committee on the Judiciary, hearing on "Oversight of the Department of Justice," 105th Cong., (1997)
House Committee on Government Reform, hearing on "The Role of John Huang and the Riady Family in Political Fundraising," 106th Cong., H.Hrg. 106-142, (1999, December 15, 16, and 17)
House Committee on Government Reform, hearing on "Has the Department of Justice Given Preferential Treatment to the President and Vice President," 106th Cong., H.Hrg. 106-256, (2000, July 20)
House Committee on Government Reform, hearing on "Contacts Between Northrop Grumman Corporation and the White House Regarding Missing White House E-Mails," 106th Cong., H.Hrg. 106-258, (2000, September 26)
Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, hearing on "The Justice Department\342\200\231s Handling of the Yah Lin \342\200\230Charlie\342\200\231 Trie Case," 106th Cong., S.Hrg. 106-318, (1999, September 22)
House Committee on Government Reform, hearing on "Johnny Chung: Foreign Connections, Foreign Contributions," 106th Cong., H.Hrg. 106-23, (1999, May 11)
House Committee on Government Reform, hearing on "The Role of Yah Lin \342\200\230Charlie\342\200\231 Trie in Illegal Political Fundraising," 106th Cong., H.Hrg. 106-172, (2000, March 1)
House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, hearing on "The Need for an Independent Counsel in the Campaign Finance Investigation," 105th Cong., H.Hrg. 105-155, (1998, August 4)
House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, hearing on "The Current Implementation of the Independent Counsel Act," 105th Cong., H.Hrg. 105-89, (1997, December 9 and 10)
House Committee on Government Reform, hearing on "Felonies and Favors: A Friend of the Attorney General Gathers Information from the Justice Department,"106th Cong., H.Hrg. 106-242, (2000, July 27)
House Committee on Government Reform, hearing on "White House E-mails: Mismanagement of Subpoenaed Records," 106th Cong., H.Hrg. 106-179, (2000, March 23, March 30, May 3, and May 4)
Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, hearing on "The Future of the Independent Counsel Act," 106th Cong., S.Hrg. 106-131, (1999, February 24, March 3, 17, 24, and April 14)
Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Administrative Oversight and the Courts, hearing on "1996 Campaign Finance Investigations," 106th Cong., S.Hrg. 106-1059, (2000, May 24, June 6 and 21)
House Committee on Government Reform, hearing on "The Justice Department\342\200\231s Implementation of the Independent Counsel Act," 106th Cong., H.Hrg. 106-231, (2000, June 6)
Senate Committee on the Judiciary, hearing on "Oversight of the Department of Justice," 105th Cong., (1997)
House Committee on Government Reform, hearing on "The Role of John Huang and the Riady Family in Political Fundraising," 106th Cong., H.Hrg. 106-142, (1999, December 15, 16, and 17)
House Committee on Government Reform, hearing on "Has the Department of Justice Given Preferential Treatment to the President and Vice President," 106th Cong., H.Hrg. 106-256, (2000, July 20)
House Committee on Government Reform, hearing on "Contacts Between Northrop Grumman Corporation and the White House Regarding Missing White House E-Mails," 106th Cong., H.Hrg. 106-258, (2000, September 26)
Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, hearing on "The Justice Department\342\200\231s Handling of the Yah Lin \342\200\230Charlie\342\200\231 Trie Case," 106th Cong., S.Hrg. 106-318, (1999, September 22)
House Committee on Government Reform, hearing on "Johnny Chung: Foreign Connections, Foreign Contributions," 106th Cong., H.Hrg. 106-23, (1999, May 11)
House Committee on Government Reform, hearing on "The Role of Yah Lin \342\200\230Charlie\342\200\231 Trie in Illegal Political Fundraising," 106th Cong., H.Hrg. 106-172, (2000, March 1)
House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, hearing on "The Need for an Independent Counsel in the Campaign Finance Investigation," 105th Cong., H.Hrg. 105-155, (1998, August 4)
House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, hearing on "The Current Implementation of the Independent Counsel Act," 105th Cong., H.Hrg. 105-89, (1997, December 9 and 10)
House Committee on Government Reform, hearing on "Felonies and Favors: A Friend of the Attorney General Gathers Information from the Justice Department,"106th Cong., H.Hrg. 106-242, (2000, July 27)
House Committee on Government Reform, hearing on "White House E-mails: Mismanagement of Subpoenaed Records," 106th Cong., H.Hrg. 106-179, (2000, March 23, March 30, May 3, and May 4)