Profiteering in a Non-Profit Industry: Abusive Practices in Credit Counseling

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58 pages
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Additional, Minority, Dissenting Views
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Brief Executive Summary
The Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs conducted an investigation into the abuse of the non-profit status by profiteering credit counseling agencies. The Subcommittee held hearings and conducted interviews involving high-ranking officials of said non-profits as well as IRS officials. The report found that abuse of the non-profit credit counseling status was widespread and that much of the industry was not credit counseling, but debt management, promises to restore credit ratings, or loans.
Press Releases and Contextual Information
Related Hearings
Authors–Congress Members
Authors–Staff Members
Authors–Ex Officio Members
Authors–Additional, Minority, Dissenting Views