White House Insider Mark Middleton: His Role in the Campaign Fundraising Investigation

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15 pages
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Brief Executive Summary
The House Committee on Government Reform investigated former senior White House aide, Mark Middleton, to determine his involvement in the 1996 campaign scandal. Middleton refused to cooperate with the investigation and was the highest ranking member of the Clinton Administration to invoke his fifth amendment protections during questioning. Press reports alleged that Middleton had solicited foreign businessmen for contributions to aide the Clinton re-election effort, but the Committee's ability to verify this was compromised due to his lack of cooperation. Eventually, the Committee concluded that Middleton likely had more knowledge of the illegal activities than he indicated, raising questions about the full extent of his role in the scandal.
Press Releases and Contextual Information
Related Hearings
House Committee on Government Reform, hearing on "White House Insider Mark Middleton: His Ties to John Huang, Charlie Trie, and Other Campaign Finance Figures,"106th Cong., H.Hrg. 106-93, (1999, August 5)
Authors–Congress Members
Authors–Staff Members
Authors–Ex Officio Members
Authors–Additional, Minority, Dissenting Views