The OPM Data Breach: How the Government Jeopardized Our National Security for More than a Generation
Serial Number
Levin Center Identifier
Document Date
Report Length
241 pages
Policy Agendas Project Major Code
Policy Agendas Project Minor Code
Additional, Minority, Dissenting Views
Report Type
Found Using Methodology
Idependent Author(s)
Brief Executive Summary
The Subcommittee on Government Operations and Subcommittee on Information Technology of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform issued a majority staff report on the the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Data Breach. Attackers exfiltrated personnel files of 4.2 million former and current government employees and security clearance background investigation information on 21.5 million individuals. The OPM failed to prioritize cybersecurity which led to the breach. The OPM misled Congress on the state of the breach.